About us

The Independent Adviser Corporation was established in 1999 and since then, has helped literally thousands of individuals, families, and businesses. 

  • We are 100% Independent & 100% Objective.
  • We publish FREE investment research and educational resources.
  • We offer FREE consultations to anyone with no strings attached.
  • We have created an expert network of FEE-ONLY professionals.
  • We don’t charge commissions or sell proprietary investment products.

TheAdviserTimes.com is the first digital newspaper that connects individual investors with FEE-ONLY advisers.

For FEE-ONLY professionals, it provides a publishing platform, both digital and print, to establish themselves as experts in their respective fields and build trust and credibility with potential clients by demonstrating their knowledge and experience through informative and educational articles.

For individual investors, families and businesses, reading articles in TheAdviserTimes.com can provide access to valuable information and insights from FEE-ONLY professionals. It can help them make informed decisions about their financial planning, money management and legal services and connect with reputable professionals who align with their values and goals. The publication can be an excellent resource for investors, families, and businesses looking to improve their financial well-being and navigate the complexities of their financial lives.

TheAdviserMagazine.com maintains 100% virtual offices. Its founder is based in Huntington, New York.

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